Our Chico is such a special little guy! Here are our top 5 favorite things about Chico and why he makes a fabulous choice for July Best Friend of the Month:
5. He craves attention and will jump at you with both paws up asking to be picked up. If you don’t pick him up the way he wants (from the side) he will run away and then forgive you and come back with both paws up again. Chico is also happy to help himself, and hop right into our laps for snuggles and napping, and he would stay there all day if we’d let him!

4. He loves to sing and dance. He makes lots of goofy noises that sound like a combination of a bark, a scoff, and howl. He has a special singing voice that both delights and alarms the staff at LMDDC. He will dance around your legs while he sings!

3. He is friends with everyone. Chico is always waiting at the door to greet his friends during check-in’s. He gets especially happy to see George, Chester, Randall, Kiki, and Bowie!

2. He’s always in a good mood. He’s one of the happiest dogs we have. He’s always happy to come and see the staff and his dog friends, and he’s always happy to leave and see his mom. No matter what, he’s just always happy!

1. He has perfectly coiffed hair. He has the most adorable little white mohawk on his head that makes him look so sophisticated and precious. This is his signature look and he is affectionately known as The Mohawk Man.
Congratulations Chico! We hope you enjoy your silly prizes, and the bragging rights for being named Mr. July! Thank you for being such an awesome member of the LMDDC pack!

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