Register your pet by scrolling down the page and filling in the information directly into the open fields of the form below. Please note, if your session times out, your information will be lost! Please be sure to check the form for accuracy and completeness to ensure admittance. Once we receive your complete registration, we will schedule a temperament evaluation day for your pup. Please let us know if you require paper forms. The form below includes the:
1. Pet Registration Form
This form will ask for your basic contact information, your vet information, and for general information about your dog’s social, behavior, and health history.
2. Pet Care Agreement
This form acknowledges that there are inherent risks to an off-leash group play environment (playground injuries, bite wounds, infectious illnesses, etc.), and that you accept these risks.
3. Medical Release Waiver
This form allows us to treat your pup in the event of an illness or injury while in our care, and you agree that you are responsible for any charges associated with that treatment.