It’s time to announce the March Best Friend of the Month! This is always quite a battle, and this month was no different, but Neo emerged as Top Dog, and it is my pleasure to tell you a little bit about him! Neo is one of our all-time favorites. He might be the cutest guy you’ll ever meet. This quirky boy never fails to crack us up with his funky sleeping positions, his happy wiggles, his self-taught ‘run-to-the ramp’ so he can avoid 2 steps, and his gift giving of anything he can find nearby! He is always a happy boy who is simply enjoying life. Besides his happy runs, he is an A+ snuggle buddy who also values his naps, and the dog handlers will try to avoid disturbing him too much when he is laying down using their feet as a pillow. Other famous Neo moves include holding his collar in his mouth and prancing around with it after we take it off and letting you know he wants more pets and cuddles by smacking you with his paw if he hasn’t had enough! Neo came to us as a bit of a nervous puppy with a stubborn streak to boot. His progress is one of the reasons he was named BFoM, because over time he has shown us he’s just a gentle giant with a giant heart. Neo never forgets his manners. He shows the new dogs how to behave and acts as a guide for the puppies learning how to socialize. Neo is a friend to all, wagging his tail, ready to play and give love from the moment he walks in. He has been described as “just the purest soul”, “the embodiment of happiness and love”, and “the most huggable”. The love for Neo knows no bounds! Congratulations to Neo and his people. We hope you enjoy your silly prizes, you place of honor on the Wall of Besties, and of course the well-deserved bragging rights! |