Grooming Update – We’re Back!

As many of you know, we congratulated and wished good luck to Katie, our fabulous groomer who helped us build up a booming grooming business, as she set off on the next chapter of her career at the end of May.
We appreciate everyone’s support and patience while we worked very hard and tirelessly to find a talented new groomer. We especially want to thank those of you that were inconvenienced with canceled grooming appointments for your understanding. I now have the pleasure of sharing this great news:
We are starting to take appointments now and will resume full-time grooming services on July 3rd.

I couldn’t be more excited to announce today the addition of not one, but two new team members to the Love My Doggy Day Care family.

We have teamed up with none other than Gabby Stacy, from Gabby’s Grooming on the Go. Gabby is an experienced and trusted professional pet groomer who has serviced this area for years, and now we are lucky to have her grooming at Love My Doggy Day Care part-time. You can read more about Gabby here

Additionally, we are pleased to introduce Jessica Hehl as our new full-time groomer. Jessica joins us from a groom shop in King of Prussia where she specialized in low-stress and gentle grooming techniques. She is looking forward to meeting you & your pups!

Please join me in welcoming Gabby and Jessica!

For more information about our grooming services, visit our website at
Thank you again, and we hope to see your pup in our grooming suite soon! And remember, our dogs are the best looking in town because they are groomed with LOVE!


  1. Eva M Gilette on September 23, 2018 at 1:26 am

    That is great! We have been waiting to hear from here to get our dogs groomed. We need to set appts up for our 3 huskies asap. We desperately need them done

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